The signature is the feeling we are gifted with when we are living energetically aligned.
It is what our soul desires the most and what is carrying us through life on a cellular level. We know it deep down inside us, but many times we are too scared to listen because it is different from what the world allows us to dream about.
Instead of what society tells us, that we need to suffer and sacrifice ourselves to save up money until we get to the age of 65, and then we can start living the life we desire... the Universe wants nothing else for you but for you to live a fulfilled life.
It wants you to follow the things that come easily to you, that feel fun and fill you with joy. It wants you to radiate a full heart frequency so that you can uplift those who aren't there yet.
And this starts by living the life you want, right now.
For you as a Generator, this means Satisfaction.
This feeling of satisfaction resides again in the area of your sacral center. It often feels similar to when you have eaten a warm and fulfilling meal that gives you that fuzzy feeling and a slight smile on your face that you get when you feel warm and nourished correctly.
Maybe you are the kind of person that has a natural talent for something that you are aware of, but just don't feel the need to commercialize it. The pure satisfaction that you get from this act of service fills you up enough and turns out to be a sufficient reward for you that you haven't even considered making money from it or asking a favor in return. That is a great signpost that will help you identify what is really lighting you up.