Walking your own path

Your niche is the thing that comes so easily to you that you might not have been able to value it because you were programmed to believe that success or talent needs hard work or is related to suffering.

So now you are more conscious of the things you love doing, the things that keep you invested, as well as the things other people come to you for advice.

In this lesson, we will dig deeper into prompts that will aid you in discovering your niche.

These subconscious dives will bring you to a state of deep relaxation. Allow for all things that need to come up to reach the surface.

Find a quiet spot where you feel safe and undisturbed. You can find a comfortable place to sit (if you tend to fall asleep), or lie down, whatever feels best for you. You can set aside headphones and a mask to ease you into a deeper place inside you.

If you find this process too passive, you can take these exercises with you on a hike or do them while you are drawing or taking a bath if that allows you to fully open to these subconscious deep dives.

Remember that your niche is something that you have been born with. It will be something that is so in front of your eyes that you might not be able to see it. Allow yourself to receive whatever comes up without judging it.

Now fill out these prompts to help you connect to your Gut Impulse. This will help you find clarity and confidence to step into your purpose.

Your Niche’s Workbook

Now fill out these prompts to help you connect to your Gut Impulse. This will help you find clarity and confidence to step into your purpose.