Discover The Secrets of Human Design & How it Can Change your Life

A system that Reveals your True Self, your Purpose & strategy to achieve your highest Potential

Jump into the fascinating world of Human Design and learn how to Identify all the important matters that HD brings to the table, to start living a more energetically aligned and abundant life. This easy-going online experience includes everything you need to know to understand how energy works and how each individual operates to optimize their living and find their purpose with a clear strategy to achieve the highest potential and authentic self. A mini-course +9 hour online methodology that you can do at your own pace, to master all the Basics of Human Design, with lifetime access. Being able to apply it not only to your personal life, but to your loved ones, team, or clients. The perfect choice for entrepreneurs, leaders & spiritual Souls to start understanding all the Basic Knowledge about the HD System.

Willing to Achieve your highest potential? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ

Willing to Achieve your highest potential? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ ⏤

Introduction to

Human Design Basics

by Maike Gabriela

For the curious souls who desire to step into their purpose.

Do you know how energetics operate to thrive in this lifetime? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ

Do you know how energetics operate to thrive in this lifetime? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ ⏤

Does This RESONATE with you?

Ever felt that weight of misalignment, like you're on a path not truly meant for you? Have you ever felt that deep exhaustion, from moving through life without purpose? If so, it's time for a revolution in your life! Dive into the Transformational Human Design Reader Training and become a beacon of hope, alignment, and healing in a world yearning for change.

Perhaps our paths crossed before, or maybe this message is the universe's synchronistic way of presenting you with the sign you’ve been seeking.

As you’ve journeyed within, uncovering the layers of your soul, healing the fragments of your essence, and evolving into a newer, enlightened version of yourself, realize that this evolution is not just for you. It's an awakening, a call for you to step up, inspire, and make a positive impact on the world.

Embrace the transformation and let your light shine bright!

I'm here to tell you that your path can change today!

Embark on an exciting journey with Human Design—an ancient blend of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and Chakras. It's like a cosmic treasure hunt, decoding the secret to your true self and purpose. Human Design is not only about unraveling your existence's blueprint, but about making choices in perfect harmony with your core, surfing cosmic waves in sync, and embracing a purposeful existence aligned with the grand cosmic design. A Wisdom to illuminate your extraordinary nature, a roadmap to a life enriched with meaning and energetically aligned.

Discover the BASICS & Understand the magic of Human Design!


Learn what each energetic frequency looks like and discover how they create magnetism by collaborating with the Universe.  Unveil the attributes of the Aura to attract the right people, opportunities, and chances into your life. Learn about the Strategy of each energy type to have clear actionable steps to see results in your everyday life matters.


The nine energy centers within the body are said to govern different aspects of our lives, such as our minds, emotions, and physical bodies. Having those Centers Defined or Undefined makes a huge difference in how we flow in life. By understanding our Definition, we gain insights into our strengths, challenges, and potential.


We are born with an internal guide, a voice that is here to lead us through our path. Our Authority is like a wise old friend that we can turn to whenever we need guidance. It's a tool that Human Design gives us to help us make the best decisions while being energetically in alignment to achieve our higher self by approaching life most efficiently.

Ready to learn the INs & OUT’S

of the BASICS of The Human Design System  FIND your Purpose

& Achieve your Highest Self

This is for you if you are willing to discover all the secrets of Human Design by immersing yourself in this transformational system & start discovering all the benefits that Human Design can bring to your life by understanding how you and others are designed to Thrive.

Learn How to Understand The Basics of Human Design!

With this Introduction to Human Design Basics Mini-course

Know yourself better and understand in-depth the human design system to uplevel yourself and the ones around you to achieve your highest potential. The perfect tool to take advantage of if your soul desire is success and do it in the most efficient and energetically aligned way. If you are ready to elevate your life to the highest this is a must-have and if you are here is because of a reason. It's not a coincidence, it's a sign!

WHATs Inside This INTRODUCTION to Human Design BASICS Course?

In this self-study space, there is no pressure, and no timelines but your own. There are no exams but our integrity and intention in how we serve the world. The Transformational Human Design Readers training is the key to transcending your boring 9-5 for good and helping you create a life you desire that has you supporting others and generating the income you always dreamed of from anywhere around the world. Learn to apply the tools to integrate your unique energetics to create an abundant business that is tailored to your soul's purpose or implement the lessons learned to achieve your goals with your team and loved ones..

Transform your Life with our

HD Methodology

This is not a typical learning Training. It’s a Mini-course to understand the basics of human design & Transform your life by completing the modules at your own pace with lifetime access.


Level 1 of The HD Information

Learn to apply the tools to integrate your unique energetics to create an abundant business that is tailored to your soul's purpose. +50 Hours of pre-recorded content to learn at your own pace.


Integration Questionnaires

Find you own vocabulary and voice by completing each module Integration Questionnaires. Your Journaling-like questionnaire that allow you to evaluate all you’ve learned in the module and get ready to master the HD System.


“The Holding Hands” Portal

Your safe space with a like-minded community to create a supportive space. The place to be when needing advice, having some questions you want to talk with your collagues & share your excitement and success with others.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY about the Training …

Discover our mini-course


Choose your destiny. uplevel and achieve your highest self by understanding how energetics works!

Introduction to Human Design Basics

[LeVEL 1]

This Mini-course is available in English or Spanish


    ●◦ Celestial Stories

    Unraveling the Mythology of HD | The History of Human Design to understand where this science comes from, its roots, and how it came to be.

    ●◦ Cinematic Insights

    Access the 5 Energy Type Short Films | Discover our revolutionaries’ Energy Type films in a beautiful and curated design to immerse yourself in the secrets of each Energy Type.

    ●◦ Souls Compass

    Navigating Trauma, purpose, and Authenticity through the 9 Energy Centers | Unveiling the secrets of the 9 Energy Centers discovering underlying pain, misalignment, and practical tools to come back to energetic authenticity.

    ●◦ Decipher the Chart

    Learn to read a type | Recognize all the characteristics of each energy type by looking at the Bodygraph Chart, and being able to read it at first sight.

    ●◦ The Energy Matrix

    Delve Deep in the Energetic Authenticity | A deep exploration of the Energy Types and Clear accessible wording to understand their individual mechanics.

    ●◦ Cosmic Tides

    Understanding the Authorities and the 3 Emotional Waves | Unveil the unique decision-making process and its relevance for 2027 discovering all the insights of each authority and mastering the emotional waves.

  • In this Initiation training about Human Design, you have available +9 hours of pre-recorded video format cellular activation with fundamental information about the Human Design System in an easy-going and beginner-friendly way.

  • With this training, you get access to our 5 Bestseller “Energy Type Films” a beautifully high-production format Short Film about each of the Human Design Energy Types.

  • Each module of this training has a detailed Integration Questionnaire. A place to make an introspection about all the knowledge learned in the module. The perfect Journaling-like questionnaire to evaluate your acquired skills and find your vocabulary and voice when explaining Human Design.

  • Access our Exclusive Telegram/Slack Community Space named “The Holding Hand Portal” because here is the place to come if you need somebody to hold you through a difficult moment. Your safe space to support each other, ask questions between you and help each other out when needed.

*Perfect to get started with Human Design. Learning how energetics works & how each energy type is designed to operate differently. This course is beginner-friendly and will equip you with all the basic knowledge about the Human Design System.

ONE-TIme PAyment ➤ 555€

x2 Split payment ➤ 290€

Become the Best version of Yourself ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ

Become the Best version of Yourself ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ ⏤


Human Design Advisor & Founder of the Transformational Human Design™

Maike Gabriela is a Human Design reader and deconditioning expert supporting conscious people like you to find themselves and their purpose. Since starting her business during the Pandemic in 2020 Maike Gabriela has had the opportunity to guide and read for thousands of people & trained hundreds of students from over 50 countries all over the world and all walks of life. Helping her community when struggling with loss of direction, low sense of self-worth, and struggling to make a mark, redirecting their energy to implement positive changes in their daily lives to align energetically and start showing up more authentic in the world.

For many many years, She was driven by her Cap nature and her Gate 54, resulting in having a big health-threatening burnout before the age of 30, which led her to depression and self-medication with drugs on occasions and engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors driving her to fall deep into the rock bottom. After conceiving her daughter, she already had made some radical improvements and was sober for more than a year. But she knew that there was still something else waiting to be tapped into. After her daughter was born she was in deep distress as she had a newborn baby in her arms and a Business ( a sustainable underwear brand that everybody loved but wasn’t making a profit) that was failing even though she was doing everything she could ( and was told to do ) to move the needle forward.

Until she found Human Design… and suddenly everything changed! She felt that this was the sign of the universe to become the best version of herself resulting in success and abundance. That’s the reason she founded this TRANSFORMATIONAL course to help others achieve their Dreams, as she did, living a more fulfilled and energetically aligned Life or becoming a reader as Her.

This is NOT for you If… 

◦ If you DON’T want to achieve your highest potential or you don’t care about discovering your true self and purpose

◦ If you prefer to go through life without a clear understanding of how your unique design can positively impact your relationships, career, and overall well-being.

◦ If you are NOT interested in knowing how energetics works and how you can cheat the code to achieve your goals in a Bliss

◦ If you love working in a soul-sucking 9-5 job to achieve other people’s dreams or working +40 hours a week without taking advantage of your unique design to Thrive and success

◦ If you Enjoy struggling with your Family or Team because you don’t understand how to deal with them in an energetically aligned way.

◦ If you’re satisfied with your life and have no interest in unlocking your hidden potential for extraordinary success.

◦ If you're resistant to the idea of harnessing the power of your natural energy flow to create a life that aligns with your authentic self.

◦ If you believe that personal growth and self-discovery are overrated, and you're content with staying within your comfort zone.

◦ If you are NOT comfortable with learning at your own pace, without stress, deciding when and where you want to invest time to achieve your goals efficiently

… IF This ISN’T you, it’s time to TAKE ACTION!

A few questions I get asked a lot that might be on your mind, too.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Human Design helps you de-condition from living life on someone else’s terms.

    Every negative thought, every limiting belief that stands between your current and your true self was elicited by the outside world – we are under tremendous influence of our families, peers, and society as a whole. That is what we call conditioning; we are conditioned from the moment we are born.

    Human Design is about shedding these limits and everything else you are not. As the science of aura, it provides practical tools to help you uncover who you authentically are, thereby attuning you with your truth, your gifts, and your purpose.

    In which parts of my life can Human Design help me?

    Human Design can help you with all aspects of your life, whether you’re struggling with purpose, career, love, or a general feeling of being stuck in life.

    A personalized reading of your design puts you in touch with your truth, purpose, and unique powers. We even take note of your weaknesses and potential pitfalls – so that you can work them to your advantage.

    Understanding where you differ from anyone else will help you find your own unique way and differentiate yourself allowing you to become magnetic

  • What kind of proof makes you believe in something? The beauty of Human Design is that it is not a belief system – it works, regardless of what we ‘think’ about its origin and whether it is mainstream or not. Before you discard it, I invite you to apply these strategies for yourself and see what happens.

    As for my personal experience, I only felt called to share it because for me personally it completely changed, my life, my business and my purpose the moment I started applying it. The amount of benefits and life changing experiences I witness on a regular basis through my hundreds of readings as proof are enough for me to stop worrying about the ‘real or not’ question. This information has been so incredibly transformative that I no longer worry where it comes from or why it is here.

  • The Short answer is NO! After the First 25 Hours of the course or after finalizing The Initiation training you will be more than skilled enough to start reading the Bodygraph for your friends, family, team, or Clients.

    That means that if your goal is to Become a reader and start charging for your Human Design reading services, you will be able to do it as fast as you complete these 25 hours of video training. Obviously, it can take longer if you take your time to re-watch some of the videos and do the Integration questionnaires. But this is up to you and the amount of time you are willing to invest to start a successful business in the industry.

    If on the other hand, you wish to do these courses to understand the HD system better and apply it to your daily life, business, or career after that time you will be more than ready. You will be able to fully understand how energetics works, how each energy type operates, and their potential or challenges. So if you are planning to use these resources to understand your team or family better for sure you will nail it!

    You can use this valuable information to deal with daily matters or even to have a clear mindset about what you are looking for in a professional if you are hiring someone for your team. Imagine success by knowing what is your best choice or how this person will perform as a team member based on how they will operate energetically. Definitely a Go-to!

  • A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step, so I’m glad that you’re here!

    If you’re wondering whether you need any previous knowledge to do this course, the answer is no. My way of teaching Human Design is completely beginner-friendly, and you can follow along – and instantly apply the info to your life – without any previous experience in Human Design.

    On the other hand, If you have previous experience or knowledge : Since you’re here, it means that it’s speaking to you! It May be the sign you've been waiting for that you are ready to go deeper – And is now the time to gift yourself the gift of YOU? Book a call to see if we can support you.

  • Since you’re here, it means that it’s speaking to you! It May be the sign you've been waiting for that you are ready to go deeper – And is now the time to gift yourself the gift of YOU?

    Book a call to see if we can support you.

  • If you can’t afford the program in full you always can go for the split payment option or start with our INITIATION Course, which will allow you to pay in installments. If you are not sure what option is best for you, book a call to allow us to see if there is a way we can help you.

    If on the other hand, this is not an option right now, we highly suggest our personalized The Source Code. This personalized PDF analysis is wallet-friendly and includes a complete and deep analysis of your exclusive design. Custom-made for you, It’s a great place to start applying this knowledge in your life!

    Also, check our YouTube, there you will find some weekly Gems that may interest you.

  • The Short answer is YES! You can split your payment into 3 or 6 installments. You can do it directly in our checkout choosing the option that better works for you or In the call with one of my Team Members. You will find together a custom payment option that is most suitable for you at this time.

    OUR PAYMENT Processors: It is possible to pay via credit card (Stripe), PayPal, or bank transfer.

    *If you desire to do it through a direct Bank transfer, please Book a call. Our checkout doesn’t offer this option at the moment :)

  • We have two modalities: You can go All-in and select our Full training that includes all the levels in one course. On the other hand, you have the option to Choose our Second modality is coursing first our Initiation training that includes level 1&2 with all the information to understand The Human Design System and start to offering readings to friends, family, or as a service. With this Initiation course, you will be equipped and skilled to do so.

    After that, if you are interested in becoming an expert or you would like to discover more about the NEW PARADIGM of 2027, how to apply Human Design to Love & relationships or with Money and social media, then you can take our Elevation Upgrade which includes Levels 3 & 4.

Have any other questions?
Book a call and a Maike Gabriela Team member will be more than happy to answer all your burning questions... If Email is your preference you can reach us at

© Upraising GmbH 2023