Embrace Your Unique Gifts

To live out your purpose as a Projector, you must embark on a quest to find your niche—a special, highly specific area where you excel like no one else. You are here not to be validated for how much you do, but for what you see.

The significance of Projectors and their influence on society has only emerged since 1781. Prior to that, humanity operated from a primal, survival-oriented perspective. Basic needs like gathering food and seeking shelter were paramount. The advent of Projector energy, especially through the solar plexus center, allowed for a shift towards empathy and guidance. Projectors gradually supported the development of more advanced patterns and systems, freeing up time for individuals to pursue their unique callings.

In the grand scheme of things, Projectors fill a specific gap by guiding, enhancing systems, and making lessons more efficient. Your unique perspective, like that of a bird soaring above, enables others to invest more precious time in themselves, pursuing their passions and fulfilling their true purposes.

Now, let's explore a vital question…

How do you find your niche as a Projector?

Oftentimes, your niche finds you, and this exercise will help uncover it. It's important not to judge what emerges.

Your gifts may have been with you since the beginning, quietly residing within you, waiting to be acknowledged. Society often leads us to believe that if we're not naturally proficient at something, there's something wrong with us. This can result in a sense of shame and the belief that we must invest time and resources to conform to the norm.

In school, this might have meant sacrificing beautiful summer days for tutoring sessions, while your friends enjoyed ice cream in the sun. You might have taken extracurriculars or workshops half-heartedly to meet the requirements for a job you had your eye on.

Through Human Design, I've come to understand that we possess certain skills because we are meant to excel in them. Imagine if all the hours spent trying to grasp something that makes you miserable were invested in nurturing your passions. Malcolm Gladwell, in his bestseller "Outliers: The Story of Success," popularized the notion that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a field.

Your niche might not fit traditional notions of talent validated by schools, where sports, painting, or math often receive recognition. Human Design and my experience guiding others have shown me that your specific talent, your niche, can manifest in countless ways, bringing immense value to others' lives without conforming to society's narrow view of worthiness.

Some individuals excel at forging deep connections with people, a skill often undervalued in our society. Perhaps you're exceptionally adept at organizing chaos and cutting through confusion, helping people streamline their offices, closets, or business strategies. You might become an empathetic accountant or the modern-day Marie Kondo in your chosen field.

If you can't find an existing role that aligns with your niche, it's an opportunity for you to create it. Unfortunately, societal homogenization and conditioning have forced many through painful educational processes that prioritize cohabitation over individual authenticity, often neglecting the personal sacrifices made for the "greater good."

Finding your niche can be a lengthy journey. You may discover it but need to explore how best to serve it or which tools are most effective for sharing your unique gift. Allow me to share a personal example:

I possess a deep capacity for seeing the beauty in people, recognizing their potential and the perfection of their souls as they navigate life's experiences. This quality initially emerged in my music career, where my mission was to inspire people to recognize their beauty, power, and the importance of acceptance and love through my lyrics.

When I entered the modeling industry, I observed young models scrutinizing every centimeter of their bodies, believing it could determine their casting success. I consistently emphasized that authenticity and character were game-changers (though this insight often went unrecognized). Over time, models like Cara Delevingne, known for their strong character and personality, gained fame.

Now, in my work with Human Design, I've discovered the most powerful tool yet to show people their incredible beauty and potential.