
Mastering Authenticity

by Maike Gabriela

Human Design Masterclass

Are you ready to Understand the Basics of the HD System?

Unlock your potential and discover your true self with this "Mastering Authenticity", the ultimate initiation masterclass of Human Design. Led by Maike Gabriela Human Design expert, this comprehensive course offers an overview of the Energy types, Strategy, Signature, Purpose, and Not-Self Theme, as well as an introduction to the Era of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix so you can take advantage and get ready to the upcoming changes of the world.

With "Mastering Authenticity," you'll gain a deep understanding of the unique gifts and talents that make you who you are, and learn how to leverage them to achieve your goals and fulfill your purpose based on Human Design. The perfect fit if you're new to the Human Design system or a starting practitioner, this masterclass is an essential resource for unlocking your full potential and living a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity to transform your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Sign up for "Mastering Authenticity" today!

Understand Human Design with Maike Gabriela


Understand Human Design with Maike Gabriela ⏤ MASTERCLASS ⏤

The Contents

In this masterclass you will discover...

● Introduction to Human Design & Origins

● All the Basic concepts about each energy type. Understand your design and the ones from your friends and Family

● The Strategy reveals how to create the most aligned opportunities in your live. Discover How it works and which is the Strategy for each energy type.

● Jump into the insights of the signature of each Aura Type and find what is the sign of your body when Energetically Aligned

● The Not-Self Theme. Unlock your full potential by identifying your trigger feeling when you are not honoring your design

● Unlock your full potential discovering your Purpose and start a new chapter of your life upleveling it to your higher-self.

● Get ready for the era of The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

       This is for you if you don’t want to waste your time Googling stuff in the HD rabbit hole!