Discover your Streghts with The HD Definitions

The Introduction

Do you ever notice that there are some areas of your life where you need to tune into yourself more? So, what's the plan for bringing your real self into sync and letting life flow with less friction?  Once we grasp how everything fits together we can show up with more heart, love, and understanding for ourselves and those around us. 

This is where delving into your Definition of Human Design can offer valuable insights and guidance on your journey of self-discovery and alignment.

So, grab a cup of your favorite drink and join me in this new chapter on Human Design.

Understanding the Definitions

In Human Design, your Definition reveals the circuitry of your unique energy graph. It's the key to unlocking your strengths, channeling energies, and aligning with the right people and opportunities for abundance in your life.

Let me break down the four different types of Definitions:

  • Single Definition: Individuals with a single definition chart are the most independent. Their defined energy centers connect through fully built channels without any gaps, portraying a self-reliant nature. They thrive on being self-sufficient, often finding solutions independently and enjoying their own company.

  • Split Definition: People with split definition charts have two defined energy centers that connect to each other but not with each other. This can lead to a sense of duality within themselves, feeling like they have two distinct personalities. They often seek meaningful connections, typically finding fulfillment in close, monogamous relationships where they can bridge the gap between their energy centers through deep conversations.

  • Triple Split and Quadruple Split: These are rare types, comprising only 1% of the population. They exhibit multiple splits in their chart, creating separate clusters of energy centers that require external influences to bridge them. They may feel caved in or stuck without intertwining and connecting with various energetic auras around them.

  • No Definition (Reflectors): Reflectors have completely open charts with no defined channels. They are highly influenced by external circumstances, such as planetary positions and the people they interact with. Their energetic blueprint fluctuates based on their surroundings, making them adaptable and responsive to their environment

➤ P.S. | Each Definition offers unique insights into how you perceive and interact with the world. 

It's all about understanding ourselves better and embracing our quirks! So if you want to learn how your unique Definition shapes your energy flow, watch this YouTube video. By understanding your Definition, you can embrace your authentic self and navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose.


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