Listen up.
As you embark on this journey of conscious emptying, envision yourself shedding layers of accumulated energy, and returning to a state of clarity and alignment.
Reflect on the influences and conditioning you've experienced throughout your life, especially from those closest to you, such as caretakers, siblings, or long-term partners. Recognize how these influences may have led to inauthenticities and a sense of stuckness in your open energy centers.
With each breath, imagine releasing these stagnant energies, allowing them to dissipate into the ether. Visualize a clearing frequency washing over you, transforming distorted signals into pure vibrations.
Whether you have one open center or many, understand that each one holds lessons and opportunities for growth. Embrace the challenge of integrating the wisdom of these centers and transmuting any obstacles that arise.
Set aside twenty minutes in a private space for this meditation. Keep a pen and journal nearby to capture any insights that surface during the process.
Whether you choose to listen to music, meditate in silence, or engage in a creative activity like painting or knitting, remain in a resting position until the meditation is complete.
Find solace in solitude, away from the distractions of others and external influences like social media or television. This isolation is crucial for reconnecting with your authentic energetic truth.
As you empty out, allow yourself to sink deeper into your essence, shedding the energetic junk accumulated throughout the week. Embrace this opportunity to realign with your true energetic expression.
Through this visual meditation, may you find liberation from the weight of external influences and rediscover the purity of your energetic being.
our unique talents are like shimmering ornaments adorning the tree of our aura. They radiate from within us, unseen yet palpably felt by those around us. People are naturally drawn to our authentic selves because they sense the genuine offering we bring, fulfilling a need they may not even realize they have.
However, when we stray from our true essence and suppress our innate gifts, a dissonance arises that others can sense. True magnetism, the kind that draws others towards us like moths to a flame, is intricately linked to our unwavering commitment to showing up as our genuine selves. It is this commitment that sets us aglow, illuminating our path and beckoning others to join us on our journey.