The Story of how I created Transformational Human Design ™
3/5 Splenic Projector
— but just like you I am also so much more!
Welcome, I hope you're sitting down cause I’m going to get real raw and honest with you: this is my story:
Two an a half years ago I got certified as a Human Design Reader and started giving readings shortly after.
Very quickly the word spread and people started contacting me to find out what this "quirky" Human Design thing is.
At first it was so scary to start posting on social media and share my passion, knowledge and personal experience with psychology & energetics I had me fascinated since I was a young teen.
I stepped out of the spiritual closet. Only a few knew what I was really into. But my soul felt alive and excited to finally express my essence and for the first time in my life I felt seen and valued.
Within one month of charging for readings I made back the investment of my training.
Three months later I was booked out a month in advance.
Since then it has been an incredible journey of expansion, learning and navigating how to grow and up level with my business booming and blooming.
— Maike Gabriela
The Universe was talking to me, but I wouldn't listen.
The Universe was talking to me, but I wouldn't listen. ⏤
The only way out is through!
I was doing whatever it took to push forward and keep up with the busy world.
For many many years I was so driven by my Cap nature and my Gate 54.
This resulted in me having big, health-threatening burnouts before the age of 30, that lead to depression which lead me to self medicate with drugs on occasion and engage in self sabotaging behaviors leading me to fall deep into my rock bottom.
By the time I had conceived my daughter, had made some radical changes and was sober for over a year…
But I knew there was still something else waiting to be tapped into.
When my daughter was born I was in deep destress. I had a newborn in my arms and a business ( a sustainable underwear brand that everybody loved but wasn’t making profit) that was failing even though I was doing everything I could ( and was told to do ) to move the needle forward.
Magical Intervention
One desperate night I was listening to a podcast hoping to learn something new…
That would finally give me the answers to all my questions and there it was : the description of the Projector hit me and a light bulb went on.
Suddenly, without knowing exactly the details of anything, I knew, this is it, this is how I am, and now I understand why everything else has never worked for me in the same way it does for others.
From there on, this is 5 years ago, I started learning and integrating everything I could about Human Design. In February of 2020 I did my Teachers Training and by the time the pandemic hit and all my freelance hustling fashion side job got canceled, I had no choice than to give this thing a try, and it was nothing short of miraculous.
When I look back at the things I was "manifesting" and what I have achieved in the last year, it has been nothing short of magic. I have given hundreds and hundred and hundred of reading to magnificent souls all over the world, I have appeared on podcasts, radio shows, have written articles, collaborated with many soulful entrepreneurs to create a better and more authentic world.
Reality is BETTER
than fantasy!
We are so fixated on how we want our lifes to look, that we can't see what's really happening right in front of us.
We believe the world is against us, that we are not able to receive success or create the life we dream of the way we watch others do it.
My lesson is that if you're giving your all to something and it's not working it might be because you are meant to be doing something different because you haven't integrated the energetics.
Human Design has completely impacted and changed my life because I dared to live out my design and not get trapped by wanting to know and feeling the need to learn more.
That is why I founded Transformational Human Design, my technique to get you to not only understand who you came to be in this lifetime but start implementing your energetic authenticity to align the right, people, opportunity and material need to your soul’s true desire.