Become Part of Our Reader Directory

Do you want to start your Human Design Business as a Reader with a Push? Then Create your website, add your offerings, price your services, and FILL THIS FORM to let us know that you are ready to Become a Reader.

We will include you in our website offerings area, this way people can find you more easily while you start to become an HD Authority. Don’t think about it twice fill out the form and email us at

Earn 1000€ by Refering a Friend!

Do you want to recover the investment in your training even before starting your HD business? Well, is simple. Email us at and inform us that you want to become an affiliate. We will create a custom website link for you to send to your friends, followers, or any person you know who might be interested. And for every sale made you will receive 999,99€. Yes, you heard that right, per sale. That means that if you share your link and 3 people purchase the training through it, you have recovered 3K.