Are You the Chosen One?


SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1st & 2nd of OCTOBER AT 6:00PM (CEST)

Day 1

Sword of courage

The brave act of being your authentic self-receive a cellular activation to awaken your dormant DNA and start your deconditioning process

❥Build the foundation from which to move out of resistance and into flow
❥Understand burn out, low self worth, undeservingness & lack of self-esteem
❥Discover your energetic imprint, authentic expression of self and clear tangible strategies to turn your life around.

Unlock the energetic truth that will allow you to collaborate with the Universe to remove who you are not and align with your soul’s true way of being. 

If you are feeling lost, uncertain, or have tried everything but nothing seems to shift or move the needle, this 60-minute oral activation will shift your perspective, plant a seed for your dreams to come true, and even carry the possibility of miraculous healing.

Day 2

The New Paradigm, baby!

Discover how you need to move through life for luck to find you. If you’ve been fighting for your dreams to come true but don’t know why all the “tips & tricks” you’ve read about haven’t helped yet, you’ll find your answers here.

❥ Bonus deep dive subconscious meditation to remove all blocks and up-level your frequency.

❥ Jon this day to get a chance to win a free mini Human Design reading with me.

❥ We will open our enrollment for the Transformational Human Design Training on this day, so pay attention if you've been feeling the calling ;)

A deep dive into the most conditioned limiting thinking that might have been keeping you stuck forever and give yourself permission to break free from all constraints.

Honor this opportunity, trust your inner voice, show up for yourself, and seize the chance to live the life you dream of.

Day 3

Right Time, Right Place

The Revolutionary change of the background frequency-are you ready for what’s to come in 2027

❥ What the New Paradigm really means for your job, your romantic relationships & the future of our children

❥ Dooms day or Glory? Prepare for what’s to expect in the next couple of years
❥ Get a chance to discover how Human Design can support you in making a graceful & successful transition

Understand what the shift in consciousness really means. What is coming in 2027 when the background frequency shifts and society as we know it transforms? Do you know what to hold onto when everything we consider certain is changing? You and I were born in this specific window of time for a reason—find out why.

If you have experienced intense turbulences in your life these last couple of years, and you are feeling how things are shifting increasingly but can't pinpoint what it is and why it's happening this will absolute clarity.

Is this for me? How this can help me? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ

Is this for me? How this can help me? ᴸᴱᴬᴿᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ ✦

Let's finally get you aligned


This might be controversial, or you might feel triggered by what I’m about to say, but I am wholeheartedly committed to supporting you in becoming the person you want to be, and therefore, I feel compelled to share this with you.

No matter how deeply you want to manifest something, if it isn’t meant to be in your life, you won’t attract it. However, you carry this longing and desire within you for a reason; you are meant to experience what your soul is craving.

The only problem is that you believe you know what you want, but it is the soul that has come here to experience what it needs. The Universe is so much wiser than anything you’re trying to conjure up. The moment you surrender to the wisdom of the Universe and open up to your innate gifts and talents, it can utilize you, move through you, and expand you into your highest, most purposeful self.

The faster you start tuning into energetic alignment, the quicker you will move out of resistance and attract what your soul has come to experience in this lifetime.

If you are a curious soul and want to learn more about how to unlock your true potential, join us in this free Human Design training live event.

About Maike


Two and a half years ago I got certified as a Human Design Reader and started giving readings shortly after.

Very quickly the word spread and people started contacting me to find out what this “quirky” Human Design thing is.

At first, it was so scary to start posting on social media and share my passion, knowledge, and personal experience with psychology & energetics that had me fascinated since I was a young teen.

I stepped out of the spiritual closet. Only a few knew what I was really into, but my soul felt alive and excited to express my essence finally and for the first time in my life, I felt seen and valued.

Within one month of charging for readings, I made back the investment of my training.

Three months later I was booked out a month in advance.

Since then it has been an incredible journey of expansion, learning, and navigating how to grow and level with my business booming and blooming.

© Upraising GmbH 2023